Selah Express

On the corner of E Goodlander and N Wenas Rd in Selah Washington. You will find the Selah Express 76 station and another successful conversion from Gilbarco to Wayne dispensers. Not just any Wayne dispensers, 6 to be exact, but the Ovation2 Anthem’s fitted with 27″ screens, interactive touchscreens, and a digital experience that has never been offered while waiting at the pump. Not only is it an amazing experience for the end user, by viewing tailored ads, or the weather. The retailer has total control of unique promotions and ads to market to their customers.
Our eastern Washington team worked with MTM services for installation of the dispensers and our service department provided a seamless and quick start-up. Considering that Salesmen Neil Malcolm is leading the pack in selling the Wayne Anthem. I’d say, our service team in Richland has the experience and know how to get a site up and running in no time.
Contact your Mascott rep today for a free quote!