Tank Cleaning

Mascott Fuel Polishing Services
A total of 200 gallons of material were removed from the 20K unleaded tank. This included sludge, microbial waste, residual water, and cloudy/dirty product. The first sample picture below shows some of the collected waste from one of the filter socks of the filtration system. The second photo below is a pile of rust/microbial waste that was dumped out of a filter sock after running 40 gallons through the filters. Both of these pictures are good representations of the material removed from the bottom of the unleaded tank.
The picture, below, shows a sample in the bottom of the jar of unusual material removed from a filter sock. Removal of the debris/waste/water at the bottom of the tank was followed by the circulation of the product in the tank through the filtration system to remove any suspended water/waste material. The tank was also treated with biocide. The seven unleaded dispenser filters were changed after the cleaning process. Pictures showing before and after samples from the bottom of the tank are shown below.
In addition, the recommendation would be to return in 90 days and remove any residual dead microbial organisms. Followed by retreating the tank with biocide by circulation into the product and replacing the unleaded dispenser filters again. A quote for that service is included.
To schedule your tank cleaning, reach out to our Service department today.