Coos Bay WWTP

Working with Mortensen on construction CM/GC on the project, Thermoplastic Fabrication (Houston, TX) installed Atlas Minerals Anchor-Lok material for the Coos Bay WWTP.
ANCHOR-LOK mechanically locks into concrete structures to provide unmatched corrosion resistance. ANCHOR-LOK reduces construction time, eliminates concrete cure and surface preparation, and provides verified pinhole and leak-free integrity throughout the lining system.
ANCHOR-LOK is used in conjunction with concrete to contain and convey a wide variety of chemical solutions. ANCHOR-LOK has excellent chemical, thermal and abrasion resistance and withstands external hydraulic pressure well in excess of a 100 ft. (30 m.) head. ANCHOR-LOK is available in UV-resistant grades for outdoor applications. Systems meeting USDA and FDA service requirements are available. ANCHOR-LOK is used to line concrete:
- Trenches
- Sumps
- Pits
- Tanks
- Basins
- Containment dikes
- Manholes and piping
- Underground storage vaults
- Neutralization tanks
- Flumes and chute linings for wet or dry applications
- Chemical process structures
- Storage tanks
- Waste treatment structures
- Municipal sewage and water treatment tanks
- Clarifiers
- Digesters
- Tank farms
- Pump pads
- Specialty industrial flooring
- Concrete ducts and stacks
- Offshore and shore side concrete marine pilings
- Walls
- Any structure that can be formed in concrete can be lined with Anchor-Lok
For more information on Anchor-Lok, check out their Catalog.